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Old SNVs Have Been Reported in Other Publications
Figure 37:
Left (click image to enlarge):
Average age of all SNVs, ``Shared'' SNVs
found both in European Americans (red) and in African Americans (blue), and
SNVs found in only one population (``Specific'').
Right (click image to enlarge): Average age for different functional types
of variants.
Both plots are taken from Fu et al. (20).
...system/user/hochreit/linkage/paper/neanderthalManuscripts/eps/FuD}\end{figure}](Timg72.png) |
In a recent publication (20),
it was found that
``The average age across all SNVs was 34,200
900 years (
s.d.) in
European Americans and 47,600
1,500 years in African Americans,
and these estimates were robust to sequencing errors [...]''.
The authors further write
``SNVs shared
between European Americans and African Americans were significantly
older (104,400 years and 115,800 years for European Americans and
African Americans, respectively)''.
These figures are visualized as bar plots in Fig. 37.
Sepp Hochreiter