library(fabia) library(biclust) library(truecluster) library(BicARE) ######################### ##Blocks make_fabi_additive_data_blocks_pos<- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise, sd_off, mean_off, sd_off_noise, sd_row, mean_row, sd_row_noise, sd_col, mean_col, sd_col_noise ){ if(!is.numeric(n)) { stop("n must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(l)) { stop("l must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(p)) { stop("p must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(f1)) { stop("f1 must be numeric") } za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1) la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2) ZC <- list() LC <- list() X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l) Y <- matrix(0,n,l) for (i in 1:p){ offset <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_off_noise),n,l) + rnorm(1, mean = mean_off, sd = sd_off) row_effect <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_row_noise),n,l) + matrix(rep(rnorm(n, mean = mean_row, sd = sd_row),l), n,l) col_effect <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_col_noise),n,l) + matrix(rep(rnorm(l, mean = mean_col, sd = sd_col),n), n,l, byrow=T) tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i])) zf <- tf:(tf+za[i]-1) ZC[[i]] <- zf uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i])) lf <- uf:(uf+la[i]-1) LC[[i]] <- lf X[lf,zf] <- X[lf,zf] + offset[lf,zf] + row_effect[lf,zf] + col_effect[lf,zf] Y[lf,zf] <- Y[lf,zf] + offset[lf,zf] + row_effect[lf,zf] + col_effect[lf,zf] } return(list(X=X,Y=Y,ZC=ZC,LC=LC)) } ######################### ## NO Blocks make_fabi_additive_data <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_off,mean_off,sd_off_noise,sd_row,mean_row,sd_row_noise,sd_col,mean_col,sd_col_noise){ if(!is.numeric(n)) { stop("n must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(l)) { stop("l must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(p)) { stop("p must be numeric") } if(!is.numeric(f1)) { stop("f1 must be numeric") } za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1) la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2) ZC <- list() LC <- list() X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l) Y <- matrix(0,n,l) for (i in 1:p){ neg <- sign(rnorm(1,mean=1,sd=2)) offset <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_off_noise),n,l) + rnorm(1, mean = neg * mean_off, sd = sd_off) row_effect <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_row_noise),n,l) + matrix(rep(rnorm(n, mean = mean_row, sd = sd_row),l), n,l) col_effect <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_col_noise),n,l) + matrix(rep(rnorm(l, mean = mean_col, sd = sd_col),n), n,l, byrow=T) #tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i])) zf <- as.integer(runif(za[i], min=1,max=l)) ZC[[i]] <- zf # uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i])) lf <- as.integer(runif(la[i], min=1,max=n)) LC[[i]] <- lf X[lf,zf] <- X[lf,zf] + offset[lf,zf] + row_effect[lf,zf] + col_effect[lf,zf] Y[lf,zf] <- Y[lf,zf] + offset[lf,zf] + row_effect[lf,zf] + col_effect[lf,zf] } return(list(X=X,Y=Y,ZC=ZC,LC=LC)) } convertDat <- function(dat,n=1000,l=100) { require(biclust) p <- length(dat$LC) L <- matrix(0,n,p) Z <- matrix(0,p,l) for (i in 1:p) { for (k in 1:length(dat$LC[[i]])) { L[dat$LC[[i]][k],i] <- 1 } for (k in 1:length(dat$ZC[[i]])) { Z[i,dat$ZC[[i]][k]] <- 1 } } lp<- list() lp[[1]]="make_fabi_data" lp[[2]]=n lp[[3]]=l bicB <- BiclustResult(lp,L,Z,p) return(bicB) } convertFabia <- function(rFab,n=1000,l=100,minc=5,minr=30,method="fabia",cyc=200,alpha=0.3,spl=1.0,spz=1.0,p=13,sL=0.0,sZ=0.0,La=NULL,Za=NULL,lapla=NULL,Psi=NULL) { require(biclust) p <- length(rFab$bic[,1]) pp <- 0 for (i in 1:p) { if (rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[1]>=minr) { if (rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[2]>=minc) { pp <- pp + 1 } } } if ((p==0)||(pp==0)) { L <- matrix(0,n,1) Z <- matrix(0,1,l) pp <- 0 } else { L <- matrix(0,n,pp) Z <- matrix(0,pp,l) j <- 0 for (i in 1:p) { if (rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[1]>=minr) { if (rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[2]>=minc) { j <- j + 1 for (k in 1:rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[2]) { Z[j,rFab$numn[i,2]$numnp[k]] <- 1 } for (k in 1:rFab$bic[i,1]$binp[1]) { L[rFab$numn[i,1]$numng[k],j] <- 1 } } } } } lp<- list() lp[[1]]=method lp[[2]]=cyc lp[[3]]=alpha lp[[4]]=spl lp[[5]]=spz lp[[6]]=p lp[[7]]=sL lp[[8]]=sZ lp[[9]]=La lp[[10]]=Za lp[[11]]=lapla lp[[12]]=Psi bicB <- BiclustResult(lp,L,Z,pp) return(bicB) } indices<- function (bicA, bicB) { require(truecluster) pA <- bicA@Number pB <- bicB@Number if ((pA>0)&&(pB>0)) { n <- length(bicA@RowxNumber[,1]) l <- length(bicA@NumberxCol[1,]) u <- n*l jamat <- matrix(0,pA,pB) kumat <- matrix(0,pA,pB) ocmat <- matrix(0,pA,pB) somat <- matrix(0,pA,pB) for (i in 1:pA) { bcA <- tcrossprod(bicA@RowxNumber[,i],bicA@NumberxCol[i,]) apos <- bcA > 0 sa <- sum(apos) # print(c(sa, u)) if (sa > 0.5*u) { bcA[apos] <- 0 sa <- 0 } for (j in 1:pB) { bcB <- tcrossprod(bicB@RowxNumber[,j],bicB@NumberxCol[j,]) bpos <- bcB > 0 sb <- sum(bpos) #print(c(sb, u)) if (sb > 0.5*u) { bcB[bpos] <- 0 sb <- 0 } bcAB <- bcA + bcB abpos <- bcAB > 0 sab <- sum(abpos) if (sab>0) { jamat[i,j] <- (sa + sb)/sab - 1 somat[i,j] <- 2.0-2.0*sab/(sa+sb) } else { jamat[i,j] <- 0 somat[i,j] <- 0 } if ((sa>0)&&(sb>0)) { kumat[i,j] <- 1.0+0.5*( (sa-sab)/sb + (sb -sab)/sa ) ocmat[i,j] <- (sa+sb-sab)/sqrt(sb*sa) }else { kumat[i,j] <- 0 ocmat[i,j] <- 0 } } } fac <- sqrt(pB*pA) mm <- min(pA,pB) ma <- max(pA,pB) sja <- sum(jamat)/fac sku <- sum(kumat)/fac soc <- sum(ocmat)/fac sso <- sum(somat)/fac indja <- munkres(-jamat,tieorder = FALSE) indku <- munkres(-kumat,tieorder = FALSE) indoc <- munkres(-ocmat,tieorder = FALSE) indso <- munkres(-somat,tieorder = FALSE) rjat <- sum(diag(jamat[indja$row, indja$col])) rkut <- sum(diag(kumat[indku$row, indku$col])) roct <- sum(diag(ocmat[indoc$row, indoc$col])) rsot <- sum(diag(somat[indso$row, indso$col])) rja <- rjat/mm rku <- rkut/mm roc <- roct/mm rso <- rsot/mm rja1 <- rjat/ma rku1 <- rkut/ma roc1 <- roct/ma rso1 <- rsot/ma } else { rja <- 0 rku <- 0 roc <- 0 rso <- 0 rja1 <- 0 rku1 <- 0 roc1 <- 0 rso1 <- 0 sja <- 0 sku <- 0 soc <- 0 sso <- 0 } return(as.vector(c(rja,rku,roc,rso,rja1,rku1,roc1,rso1,sja,sku,soc,sso))) } readPlaidResults <- function(filename,n,l,ab="ab",ss="ss",iter="default") { require(biclust) r1 <- readLines(filename) a1 <- strsplit(r1," ") la <- length(a1) p <- as.numeric(a1[[la-4]][1]) if ((p==0)||(la==0)) { L <- matrix(0,n,1) Z <- matrix(0,1,l) p <- 0 } else { L <- matrix(0,n,p) Z <- matrix(0,p,l) j <- 0 r <- 0 for (i in 1:la) { if (![[i]][1])) { if (a1[[i]][1]=="row") { j <- j+1 r <- 1 } if (a1[[i]][1]=="col") { r <- 2 } if (a1[[i]][1]==as.character(j)) { if(r==1) { L[as.numeric(a1[[i]][2]),j] <- 1 } if(r==2) { Z[j,as.numeric(a1[[i]][2])] <- 1 } } } } } pp<- list() pp[[1]]="plaid" # method pp[[2]]=ab # a=alpha(probe) effects; b= beta(conditions) effects pp[[3]]=ss # seek=ss prefer large, possibly diffuse layers # seek=ms prefer intense, possibly small layers pp[[4]]=iter # how many seeking iterations bicB <- BiclustResult(pp,L,Z,p) return(bicB) } readBicatResults <- function(filename,n,l,method="isa",pre="standardization",tc="2.0",tg="2.0") { require(biclust) r1 <- readLines(filename) a1 <- strsplit(r1," ") la <- length(a1) p <- la/3 if ((p==0)||(la==0)) { L <- matrix(0,n,1) Z <- matrix(0,1,l) p <- 0 } else { L <- matrix(0,n,p) Z <- matrix(0,p,l) for (i in 1:p) { nn <- as.numeric(a1[[3*i-2]][1]) nl <- as.numeric(a1[[3*i-2]][2]) for (k in 1:nn) { L[as.numeric(a1[[3*i-1]][k]),i] <- 1 } for (k in 1:nl) { Z[i,as.numeric(a1[[3*i]][k])] <- 1 } } } pp<- list() pp[[1]]=method # method pp[[2]]=pre # preprocessing: standardization pp[[3]]=tg # gene score threshold pp[[4]]=tc # condition score threshold bicB <- BiclustResult(pp,L,Z,p) return(bicB) } readSambaResults <- function(filename,n,l,pre="standardization",opt="valsp_3ap",over="0.5") { require(biclust) r1 <- readLines(filename) a1 <- strsplit(r1,"\t") la <- length(a1) s <- 1 while ((a1[[s]][1]!="[Bicd]")&&(s<=la)) { s <- s+1 } p <- as.numeric(a1[[s-1]][1])+1 if ((p==0)||(la==0)) { L <- matrix(0,n,1) Z <- matrix(0,1,l) p <- 0 } else { L <- matrix(0,n,p) Z <- matrix(0,p,l) s <- s+1 for (i in s:la) { if (a1[[i]][2]=="1") { L[as.numeric(a1[[i]][3]),(as.numeric(a1[[i]][1])+1)] <- 1 } if (a1[[i]][2]=="0") { Z[(as.numeric(a1[[i]][1])+1),as.numeric(a1[[i]][3])] <- 1 } } } pp<- list() pp[[1]]="samba" # method pp[[2]]=pre # preprocessing: standardization pp[[3]]=opt # options: valsp_3ap pp[[4]]=over # overlap genes 0.1 or 0.5 bicB <- BiclustResult(pp,L,Z,p) return(bicB) }