continue <- FALSE

#For extraction
shunkFact <- 1.5
mismatches <- 0

dofabia <- FALSE
dobeagle <- TRUE
#doplink <- TRUE
#dogermline <- TRUE
#dodash <- TRUE
#dobeagle <- FALSE
doplink <- FALSE
dogermline <- FALSE
dodash <- FALSE
dorelate <- FALSE
domcmc <- FALSE

pars <- read.table("dataSimParameters.txt")

maxrunsS <- pars[1,2]
snps <- pars[2,2]
samplesN <- pars[3,2]
ShunkLength <- pars[4,2]
noImplanted <- pars[5,2] ## how many IBDs
implanted <- pars[6,2] ## in how many samples
lengthI <- pars[7,2]

haploN <- 2*samplesN
dataA <- 1:samplesN

g2 <- 2*(1:snps)
g1 <- g2 -1

s2 <- 2*dataA
s1 <- s2-1

indi <- cbind(as.character(1:haploN),as.character(1:haploN),as.character(1:haploN),as.character(1:haploN))

### FABIA Parameters: ps, inteA, thresA, minSNPs

I <- 200000
SS <- 10 # biclusters per iteration
A <- 1 # number iterations

IBDlength <- 5000 # IBD length in kbp
thresCount <- 1e-5 # p-value of random histogram hit, default 1e-5
minSNPsFactor <- 3/4 # percentage of IBD overlap; 1/2 for large to 3/4 for for small intervals

ps <- 0.9 # percentage of Ls to remove / quantile
psZ <-  0.8 # percentage of Zs to remove / quantile
inteA <- IBDlength*10 # histogram length gives inteA/10 kbp DNA length
pMAF <- 0.035  # max. minor allele frequency
# estimated for 1000 genomes: 0.035
# max MAF is 0.05 ...

kk <- 1
while ((I/inteA)*choose(samplesN,2)*(1-pbinom(kk,inteA,pMAF*pMAF))>thresCount) { kk <- kk +1}

thresA <- kk
minSNPs <- round(minSNPsFactor*thresA)
### END FABIA Parameters: ps, inteA, thresA, minSNPs

################# for simulation set explicitely
thresA <- 122
minSNPs <- 92

if (!continue) {
write(paste("SS: ",SS,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),ncolumns=10)
write(paste("A: ",A,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),append=TRUE,ncolumns=10)
write(paste("ps: ",ps,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),append=TRUE,ncolumns=10)
write(paste("inteA: ",inteA,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),append=TRUE,ncolumns=10)
write(paste("thresA: ",thresA,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),append=TRUE,ncolumns=10)
write(paste("minSNPs: ",minSNPs,sep=""),file=paste("fabiapars.txt",sep=""),append=TRUE,ncolumns=10)


dataS <- c(maxruns,snps,samplesN,ShunkLength,noImplanted,implanted,lengthI)

dim(dataS) <- c(1,length(dataS))

if (dofabia) {
 if (!continue) {
 fabiares <- list()
  fabiaresIBD <- list()
if (dobeagle) {
  if (!continue) {
  beagleres1 <- list()
  if (!continue) {
  beagleres2 <- list()
if (doplink) {
  if (!continue) {
  plinkres <- list()
if (dogermline) {
  if (!continue) {
  germlineres1 <- list()
  germlineres2 <- list()
if (dodash) {
  if (!continue) {
  dashres  <- list()
  dashresIBD <- list()
if (dorelate) {
  if (!continue) {
  relateres <- list()
if (domcmc) {
  if (!continue) {
  mcmcres <- list()

# loop

for (run in minruns:maxruns) {

# impl,implG,inter,implantI,implantN,intervalImp


allsaF <-  haploN
allsa <- samplesN

allsn <- snps


noImplanted <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="integer",nlines=1,skip=j))

j <- j+1

impl <- list()
implG <- list()
inter <- list()
implantI <- list()
implantN <- list()
intervalImp <- list()

implantedA <- list()

NegsaFA <- list()
NegsaA <- list()
PossaA <- list()
NegsnA <- list()
PossnA <- list()

NegsaF <- 0 
Negsa <- 0 
Possa <- 0

Negsn <- 0
Possn <- 0

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {

impl[[noIm]] <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="numeric",nlines=1,skip=j))
j <- j+1

implG[[noIm]] <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="integer",nlines=1,skip=j))
j <- j+1

inter[[noIm]] <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="integer",nlines=1,skip=j))
j <- j+1

implantI[[noIm]] <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="integer",nlines=1,skip=j))
j <- j+1

implantN[[noIm]] <- scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="character",nlines=1,skip=j)
j <- j+1

intervalImp[[noIm]] <- matrix(0,implanted,4)
interImp <- as.integer(scan(file=paste("dataSim",run,"Impl.txt",sep=""),what="integer",nlines=1,skip=j))
j <- j+1

for (i in 1:implanted) {

intervalImp[[noIm]][i,] <-  interImp


implantedA[[noIm]] <- length(impl[[noIm]])

NegsaFA[[noIm]] <-  haploN - implantedA[[noIm]]

NegsaF <- NegsaF + NegsaFA[[noIm]]

NegsaA[[noIm]] <-  samplesN - implantedA[[noIm]]
Negsa <- Negsa + NegsaA[[noIm]]

PossaA[[noIm]] <- implantedA[[noIm]]
Possa <- Possa + PossaA[[noIm]]

NegsnA[[noIm]] <- snps - length(inter[[noIm]])

Negsn <- Negsn + NegsnA[[noIm]]

PossnA[[noIm]] <- length(inter[[noIm]])
Possn <- Possn + PossnA[[noIm]]

implantTmax <- list()
implantT <- Matrix(0,samplesN,snps,sparse=TRUE)
for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  implantTmax[[noIm]] <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)
  for (i in 1:implanted) {
    implantT[implG[[noIm]][i],(intervalImp[[noIm]][i,1]:intervalImp[[noIm]][i,2])] <- 1
    implantTmax[[noIm]][implG[[noIm]][i],(intervalImp[[noIm]][i,1]:intervalImp[[noIm]][i,2])] <- 1

implantHmax <- list()
implantH <- Matrix(0,haploN,snps,sparse=TRUE)
for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  implantHmax[[noIm]] <- Matrix(0,haploN,snps,sparse=TRUE)
  for (i in 1:implanted) {
    implantH[impl[[noIm]][i],(intervalImp[[noIm]][i,1]:intervalImp[[noIm]][i,2])] <- 1
    implantHmax[[noIm]][impl[[noIm]][i],(intervalImp[[noIm]][i,1]:intervalImp[[noIm]][i,2])] <- 1

implGA <- c()
implA <- c()
interA <- c()
for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  implGA <- union(implGA,implG[[noIm]])
  implA <- union(implA,impl[[noIm]])
  interA <- union(interA,inter[[noIm]])

implantedSF <- length(implA)
implantedS <- length(implGA)


if (dofabia) {

leeb <- 0
nob <- 0
while ((leeb<1)&&(nob<2)) {
#  source("/ssd1/bioinf/sepp/run_fabia.R")
  leeb <- length(mergedIBD)
  nob <- nob + 1

maxtrueP <-  list()
maxfalseP <-  list()
maxfalseN <-  list()
maxtrueN <-  list()
maxsens <- list()
maxspec <-  list()
maxfdr <-  list()
maxfpr <- list() 
maxacc <- list() 
maxF1 <-  list()
maxmcc <-  list()

maxtruePsa <-  list()
maxfalsePsa <-  list()
maxfalseNsa <-  list()
maxtrueNsa <-  list()
maxsenssa <- list()
maxspecsa <-  list()
maxfdrsa <-  list()
maxfprsa <- list() 
maxaccsa <- list() 
maxF1sa <-  list()
maxmccsa <-  list()

maxtruePsn <-  list()
maxfalsePsn <-  list()
maxfalseNsn <-  list()
maxtrueNsn <-  list()
maxsenssn <- list()
maxspecsn <-  list()
maxfdrsn <-  list()
maxfprsn <-  list() 
maxaccsn <-  list()
maxF1sn <-  list()
maxmccsn <-  list()

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {

  maxtrueP[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseP[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseN[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueN[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsens[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspec[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdr[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfpr[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxacc[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxF1[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmcc[[noIm]] <-  0

  maxtruePsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalsePsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseNsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueNsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsenssa[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspecsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdrsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfprsa[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxaccsa[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxF1sa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmccsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtruePsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalsePsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseNsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueNsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsenssn[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspecsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdrsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfprsn[[noIm]] <-  0 
  maxaccsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxF1sn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmccsn[[noIm]] <-  0

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,haploN,snps)

if (leeb>0) {
for (i in 1:leeb) {

  samplesF <- mergedIBD[[i]]$noSamples
  snpsF <- mergedIBD[[i]]$noSnps
  noSnpsF <- mergedIBD[[i]]$numberSnps
  noSamplesF <- mergedIBD[[i]]$numberSamples
  range <- snpsF[1]:snpsF[noSnpsF]
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samplesF)
  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  if (snpsF[1]==0) {
    snpsF[1] <- 1
lengthIBD <- pos[snpsF[noSnpsF]] - pos[snpsF[1]]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {

  foundAllmax <- matrix(0,haploN,snps)
  startS <- rep((snps+1),noSamplesF)
  endS <- rep(0,noSamplesF)
  for (j in 1:noSnpsF) {

   ssa <- sPF$sL[[snpsF[j]]]
   ssa1 <- intersect(samplesF,ssa)

   ssa2 <- match(ssa1,samplesF)
   if (length(ssa2)>1) {
    for (k in 1:length(ssa1)) {
      if (startS[ssa2[k]]>snpsF[j]) { startS[ssa2[k]] <- snpsF[j] }
      if (endS[ssa2[k]]<snpsF[j]) { endS[ssa2[k]] <- snpsF[j] }

  for (j in 1:noSamplesF) {
    if (startS[j]<=endS[j]) {
      foundAllmax[samplesF[j],(startS[j]:endS[j])] <- 1

  all <- haploN*snps
  detected <- sum(foundAllmax)
  Pos <- sum(implantHmax[[noIm]])
  truePM <- foundAllmax*implantHmax[[noIm]]
  trueP <- sum(truePM)
  falseP <- detected-trueP
  falseN <- Pos-trueP
  trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP
  Neg <- trueN+falseP
  sens <- trueP/Pos
  spec <- trueN/Neg
  if (detected>0) {
    fdr <- falseP/detected
  } else {
    fdr <- 0
  fpr <- falseP/Neg
  acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all
  st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
  if (st11>0) {
    F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
  } else {
    F1 <- 0
  stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
  if (stt>0) {
    mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
  } else {
    mcc <- 0

  if (mcc>maxmcc[[noIm]]) {
    maxtrueP[[noIm]] <- trueP
    maxfalseP[[noIm]] <- falseP
    maxfalseN[[noIm]] <- falseN
    maxtrueN[[noIm]] <- trueN
    maxsens[[noIm]] <- sens
    maxspec[[noIm]] <- spec
    maxfdr[[noIm]] <- fdr
    maxfpr[[noIm]] <-  fpr    
    maxacc[[noIm]] <- acc
    maxF1[[noIm]] <- F1
    maxmcc[[noIm]] <- mcc


  sampI <- intersect(impl[[noIm]],samplesF)
  minorI <- intersect(inter[[noIm]],snpsF)
  snpsI <- intersect(inter[[noIm]],range)

  ## samples 

  detectedsa <- noSamplesF
  truePsa <- length(sampI)
  falsePsa <- detectedsa-truePsa
  falseNsa <- implantedA[[noIm]]-truePsa
  trueNsa <- allsaF - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

  senssa <- truePsa/PossaA[[noIm]]
  specsa <- trueNsa/NegsaFA[[noIm]]

  if (detectedsa>0) {
    fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
  } else {
    fdrsa <- 0

  fprsa <- falsePsa/NegsaFA[[noIm]]
  accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsaF

  st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

  if (st11sa>0) {
    F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
  } else {
    F1sa <- 0

  sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
  if (sttsa>0) {
    mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
  } else {
    mccsa <- 0

  if (mccsa>maxmccsa[[noIm]]) {
    maxtruePsa[[noIm]] <- truePsa
    maxfalsePsa[[noIm]] <- falsePsa
    maxfalseNsa[[noIm]] <- falseNsa
    maxtrueNsa[[noIm]] <- trueNsa
    maxsenssa[[noIm]] <- senssa
    maxspecsa[[noIm]] <- specsa
    maxfdrsa[[noIm]] <- fdrsa
    maxfprsa[[noIm]] <-  fprsa    
    maxaccsa[[noIm]] <- accsa
    maxF1sa[[noIm]] <- F1sa
    maxmccsa[[noIm]] <- mccsa

   ## snps 

  detectedsn <- length(range)
  truePsn <- length(snpsI)
  falsePsn <- detectedsn-truePsn
  falseNsn <- length(inter[[noIm]]) - truePsn
  trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

  senssn <- truePsn/PossnA[[noIm]]
  specsn <- trueNsn/NegsnA[[noIm]]

  if (detectedsn>0) {
    fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
  } else {
    fdrsn <- 0

  fprsn <- falsePsn/NegsnA[[noIm]]
  accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

  st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

  if (st11sn>0) {
    F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
  } else {
    F1sn <- 0

  sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
  if (sttsn>0) {
    mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
  } else {
    mccsn <- 0

  if (mccsn>maxmccsn[[noIm]]) {
    maxtruePsn[[noIm]] <- truePsn
    maxfalsePsn [[noIm]]<- falsePsn
    maxfalseNsn[[noIm]] <- falseNsn
    maxtrueNsn[[noIm]] <- trueNsn
    maxsenssn[[noIm]] <- senssn
    maxspecsn[[noIm]] <- specsn
    maxfdrsn[[noIm]] <- fdrsn
    maxfprsn[[noIm]] <-  fprsn    
    maxaccsn[[noIm]] <- accsn
    maxF1sn[[noIm]] <- F1sn
    maxmccsn[[noIm]] <- mccsn

  ## all

  startS <- rep((snps+1),noSamplesF)
  endS <- rep(0,noSamplesF)
  for (j in 1:noSnpsF) {

   ssa <- sPF$sL[[snpsF[j]]]
   ssa1 <- intersect(samplesF,ssa)

   ssa2 <- match(ssa1,samplesF)
   if (length(ssa2)>1) {
    for (k in 1:length(ssa1)) {
      if (startS[ssa2[k]]>snpsF[j]) { startS[ssa2[k]] <- snpsF[j] }
      if (endS[ssa2[k]]<snpsF[j]) { endS[ssa2[k]] <- snpsF[j] }

  for (j in 1:noSamplesF) {
    if (startS[j]<=endS[j]) {
      foundAll[samplesF[j],(startS[j]:endS[j])] <- 1




all <- haploN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantH)
truePM <- foundAll*implantH

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <- lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa-truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedSF-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsaF - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/NegsaF

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/NegsaF

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsaF

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn-truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

fabiaresIBD[[run]] <-  matrix(0,noImplanted,35)

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  dataRmax <- c(run,noIm,maxtruePsa[[noIm]],maxfalseNsa[[noIm]],maxfalsePsa[[noIm]],maxtrueNsa[[noIm]],maxsenssa[[noIm]],maxspecsa[[noIm]],maxfdrsa[[noIm]],maxfprsa[[noIm]],maxaccsa[[noIm]],maxF1sa[[noIm]],maxmccsa[[noIm]],

  fabiaresIBD[[run]][noIm,] <- dataRmax

dataR <-  c(run,nob,leeb,

fabiares[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))




if (dobeagle) {

beagle_com <- paste("java -jar /system/user/hochreit/bin/beagle.jar unphased=dataSim",run,"beagle.txt fastibd=true missing=N out=beagleres",output_index,".txt",sep="")
  print("Start BEAGLE")
  print("End BEAGLE")

beagle_com <- paste("rm beagleres",output_index,".txt.dataSim",run,"beagle.txt.fibd",sep="")

beagle_com <- paste("gunzip beagleres",output_index,".txt.dataSim",run,"beagle.txt.fibd.gz",sep="")

resBeaglet <- read.table(file=paste("beagleres",output_index,".txt.dataSim",run,"beagle.txt.fibd",sep=""))

#####RES1 with 1.0e-40

thres1 <-  1.0e-40
nnrr <- 0 

while ((nnrr<1)&&(thres1<1.0e-4)) {

  resBeagle <- resBeaglet[which(resBeaglet[,5]<thres1),]
  thres1 <- thres1*10.0
  nnrr <- nrow(resBeagle)

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (nrow(resBeagle)>0) { 
for (i in 1:nrow(resBeagle)) {

  samp1 <- resBeagle[i,1]
  samp2 <- resBeagle[i,2]
  begin <- resBeagle[i,3]
  end <- resBeagle[i,4]
  if (begin==0) {
    begin <- 1

lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[begin]
if ((lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength)) {
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp1)
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp2)

  range <- begin:end
  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  foundAll[samp1,range] <- 1
  foundAll[samp2,range] <- 1




all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <-  lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa-truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn - truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dataR <-  c(run,

beagleres1[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))


#####RES2 with 1.0e-60

thres1 <-  1.0e-60
nnrr <- 0 

while ((nnrr<1)&&(thres1<1.0e-4)) {

  resBeagle <- resBeaglet[which(resBeaglet[,5]<thres1),]
  thres1 <- thres1*10.0
  nnrr <- nrow(resBeagle)

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (nrow(resBeagle)>0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(resBeagle)) {

  samp1 <- resBeagle[i,1]
  samp2 <- resBeagle[i,2]
  begin <- resBeagle[i,3]
  end <- resBeagle[i,4]
  if (begin==0) {
    begin <- 1

lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[begin]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp1)
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp2)

  range <- begin:end

  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  foundAll[samp1,range] <- 1
  foundAll[samp2,range] <- 1



all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0


allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <- lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa  -truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn  -truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dataR <-  c(run,

beagleres2[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))




if (doplink) {
  print("Start PLINK")
plink_com <- paste("plink --file dataSim",run,"plink --indep 50 5 2 --out dataSim",run,"plink",sep="")

# get new snp-set and convert into binary fileset
plink_com <- paste("plink --file dataSim",run,"plink"," --extract dataSim",run,"plink.prune.in --make-bed --out dataSim",run,"plinkpruned",sep="")

# --genome with binary fileset
plink_com <- paste("plink --bfile dataSim",run,"plinkpruned","  --noweb --genome --allow-no-sex --out plink",output_index,sep="")

# segmental sharing with binary fileset
plink_com <- paste("plink --bfile dataSim",run,"plinkpruned"," --noweb --read-genome plink",output_index,".genome --segment --all-pairs --segment-length 300 --segment-snp 3000 --out plink",output_index,sep="")

  print("End PLINK")
#plink --file dataSim30plink --indep 50 5 2 --out dataSim30plink
#plink --file dataSim30plink --extract dataSim30plink.prune.in --make-bed --out dataSim30plinkpruned
#plink --bfile dataSim30plinkpruned  --noweb --genome --allow-no-sex --out plinkTT
#plink --bfile dataSim30plinkpruned --noweb --read-genome plinkTT.genome --segment --all-pairs --segment-length 0.1 --segment-snp 20 --out plinkTT

#plink_com <- paste("plink --file dataSim",run,"plink  --noweb --genome --allow-no-sex --out plink",output_index,sep="")
#plink_com <- paste("plink --file dataSim",run,"plink --noweb --read-genome plink",output_index,".genome --segment --all-pairs --segment-length 0.1 --segment-snp 20 --out plink",output_index,sep="")

resPlink <- read.table(file= paste("plink",output_index,".segment",sep=""),header=TRUE)

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (nrow(resPlink)>0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(resPlink)) {

  samp1 <- resPlink[i,2]
  samp2 <- resPlink[i,4]
  begin <- resPlink[i,9]
  end <- resPlink[i,10]
  if (begin==0) {
    begin <- 1

lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[begin]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp1)
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp2)

  range <- begin:end

  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  foundAll[samp1,range] <- 1
  foundAll[samp2,range] <- 1




all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <-  lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa -truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn  -truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dataR <-  c(run,

plinkres[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))



if (dogermline) {

germline_com <- paste(
"echo '1' > germin",output_index,
echo 'dataSim",run,"plink.map' >> germin",output_index,
echo 'dataSim",run,"plink.ped' >> germin",output_index,
echo 'germline_output",output_index,".txt' >> germin",output_index,sep="")


germline_com <- paste("germline -haploid -min_m 0.5 -err_hom ",mismatches," -err_het ",mismatches," -bits 1000 < germin",output_index,sep="")

  print("Start GERMLINE")


print("End GERMLINE")

germline_com <- paste("rm germin",output_index,sep="")

resGermlinet <- read.table(file= paste("germline_output",output_index,".txt.match",sep=""))

## Filter 7000

resGermlinet1 <- resGermlinet[which(resGermlinet[,10]>7000),]
resGermline <- resGermlinet1[which(resGermlinet1[,10]<20000),]

#write.table(resGermline,file= paste("germline_filtered",output_index,".txt",sep=""))

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (nrow(resGermline)>0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(resGermline)) {

  samp1 <- resGermline[i,1]
  samp2 <- resGermline[i,3]
  begin <- resGermline[i,8]
  end <- resGermline[i,9]
  if (begin==0) {
    begin <- 1

lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[begin]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp1)
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp2)

  range <- begin:end

  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  foundAll[samp1,range] <- 1
  foundAll[samp2,range] <- 1




all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <-  lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa -truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <-  lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn -truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dataR <-  c(run,

germlineres1[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))


## Filter 5000

resGermlinet1 <- resGermlinet[which(resGermlinet[,10]>5000),]
resGermline <- resGermlinet1[which(resGermlinet1[,10]<20000),]

#write.table(resGermline,file= paste("germline_filtered",output_index,".txt",sep=""))

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (nrow(resGermline)>0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(resGermline)) {

  samp1 <- resGermline[i,1]
  samp2 <- resGermline[i,3]
  begin <- resGermline[i,8]
  end <- resGermline[i,9]
  if (begin==0) {
    begin <- 1

lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[begin]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp1)
  allSamp <- union(allSamp,samp2)

  range <- begin:end

  allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)

  foundAll[samp1,range] <- 1
  foundAll[samp2,range] <- 1




all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <- lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa  -truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn  -truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dataR <-  c(run,

germlineres2[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))



if (dodash) {
resGermlinet <- read.table(file=paste("germline_output",output_index,".txt.match",sep=""))

resGermline <- resGermlinet[which(resGermlinet[,10]>150),]

outG <- cbind(paste(resGermline[,1],format(as.double(resGermline[,2]),nsmall=1),sep=" "),
  paste(resGermline[,3],format(as.double(resGermline[,4]),nsmall=1),sep=" "),
  paste(resGermline[,6],resGermline[,7],sep=" "),
  paste(resGermline[,8],resGermline[,9],sep=" "),


dash_com <- paste("cut -f 1,2,4 germline_filtered",output_index,".txt | dash_cc dataSim",run,"plink.fam dash_output",output_index," -min 2",sep="")

  print("Start DASH")


print("End DASH")

h2 <- 2*(1:haploN)
h1 <- h2-1

Abb <- rep(0,(2*haploN+5))

Abb[h1+5] <- c(dataA,dataA)
Abb[h2+5] <- c(format(as.double(dataA),nsmall=1),format((as.double(dataA)+0.1),nsmall=1))
Abb[1] <- "ccs"

write(Abb,file= paste("tmp",output_index,".txt",sep=""),ncolumns=100000)

dash_com <- paste("cat tmp",output_index,".txt dash_output",output_index,".clst > dash_in",output_index,".txt",sep="")  
resDash <- read.table(file= paste("dash_in",output_index,".txt",sep=""),fill=TRUE)

resDash <- resDash[-1,]

posDasht <- read.table(file=paste("dataSim",run,"plink.map",sep=""))
posDash <- posDasht[,4]

nD <- ncol(resDash)
noClusters <- nrow(resDash)

maxtrueP <-  list()
maxfalseP <-  list()
maxfalseN <-  list()
maxtrueN <-  list()
maxsens <- list()
maxspec <-  list()
maxfdr <-  list()
maxfpr <- list() 
maxacc <- list() 
maxF1 <-  list()
maxmcc <-  list()

maxtruePsa <-  list()
maxfalsePsa <-  list()
maxfalseNsa <-  list()
maxtrueNsa <-  list()
maxsenssa <- list()
maxspecsa <-  list()
maxfdrsa <-  list()
maxfprsa <- list() 
maxaccsa <- list() 
maxF1sa <-  list()
maxmccsa <-  list()

maxtruePsn <-  list()
maxfalsePsn <-  list()
maxfalseNsn <-  list()
maxtrueNsn <-  list()
maxsenssn <- list()
maxspecsn <-  list()
maxfdrsn <-  list()
maxfprsn <-  list() 
maxaccsn <-  list()
maxF1sn <-  list()
maxmccsn <-  list()

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {

  maxtrueP[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseP[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseN[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueN[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsens[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspec[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdr[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfpr[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxacc[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxF1[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmcc[[noIm]] <-  0

  maxtruePsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalsePsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseNsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueNsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsenssa[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspecsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdrsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfprsa[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxaccsa[[noIm]] <- 0 
  maxF1sa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmccsa[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtruePsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalsePsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfalseNsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxtrueNsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxsenssn[[noIm]] <- 0
  maxspecsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfdrsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxfprsn[[noIm]] <-  0 
  maxaccsn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxF1sn[[noIm]] <-  0
  maxmccsn[[noIm]] <-  0

allSamp <- c()
allSnps <- c()

foundAll <- matrix(0,samplesN,snps)

if (noClusters>0) {
for (i in 1:noClusters) {

   noSamples <- sort(unique(as.integer(round(as.numeric(resDash[i,5+which(is.na(resDash[i,6:nD])==FALSE)])))))

   start <- which(posDash==resDash[i,4])
   end <- which(posDash==resDash[i,5])
lengthIBD <- pos[end] - pos[start]
if (lengthIBD>shunkFact*ShunkLength) {

  range <- start:end

   foundAll[noSamples,range] <- 1
   allSamp <- union(allSamp,noSamples)
   allSnps <- union(allSnps,range)
   numberSamples <- length(noSamples)
   numberSnps <- length(range)

  for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {

  foundAllmax <- Matrix(0,samplesN,snps,sparse=TRUE)

  foundAllmax[noSamples,range] <- 1

  all <- samplesN*snps
  detected <- sum(foundAllmax)
  Pos <- sum(implantTmax[[noIm]])
  truePM <- foundAllmax*implantTmax[[noIm]]
  trueP <- sum(truePM)
  falseP <- detected-trueP
  falseN <- Pos-trueP
  trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP
  Neg <- trueN+falseP
  sens <- trueP/Pos
  spec <- trueN/Neg
  if (detected>0) {
    fdr <- falseP/detected
  } else {
    fdr <- 0
  fpr <- falseP/Neg
  acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all
  st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
  if (st11>0) {
    F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
  } else {
    F1 <- 0
  stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
  if (stt>0) {
    mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
  } else {
    mcc <- 0

  if (mcc>maxmcc[[noIm]]) {
    maxtrueP[[noIm]] <- trueP
    maxfalseP[[noIm]] <- falseP
    maxfalseN[[noIm]] <- falseN
    maxtrueN[[noIm]] <- trueN
    maxsens[[noIm]] <- sens
    maxspec[[noIm]] <- spec
    maxfdr[[noIm]] <- fdr
    maxfpr[[noIm]] <-  fpr    
    maxacc[[noIm]] <- acc
    maxF1[[noIm]] <- F1
    maxmcc[[noIm]] <- mcc


   sampI <- intersect(implG[[noIm]],noSamples)
   snpsI <- intersect(inter[[noIm]],range)
  ## samples 

  detectedsa <- numberSamples
  truePsa <- length(sampI)
  falsePsa <- detectedsa  -truePsa
  falseNsa <- implantedA[[noIm]]-truePsa
  trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

  senssa <- truePsa/PossaA[[noIm]]
  specsa <- trueNsa/NegsaA[[noIm]]

  if (detectedsa>0) {
    fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
  } else {
    fdrsa <- 0

  fprsa <- falsePsa/NegsaA[[noIm]]
  accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

  st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

  if (st11sa>0) {
    F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
  } else {
    F1sa <- 0

  sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
  if (sttsa>0) {
    mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
  } else {
    mccsa <- 0

  if (mccsa>maxmccsa[[noIm]]) {
    maxtruePsa[[noIm]] <- truePsa
    maxfalsePsa[[noIm]] <- falsePsa
    maxfalseNsa[[noIm]] <- falseNsa
    maxtrueNsa[[noIm]] <- trueNsa
    maxsenssa[[noIm]] <- senssa
    maxspecsa[[noIm]] <- specsa
    maxfdrsa[[noIm]] <- fdrsa
    maxfprsa[[noIm]] <-  fprsa    
    maxaccsa[[noIm]] <- accsa
    maxF1sa[[noIm]] <- F1sa
    maxmccsa[[noIm]] <- mccsa

   ## snps 

  detectedsn <- numberSnps
  truePsn <- length(snpsI)
  falsePsn <- detectedsn  -truePsn
  falseNsn <- length(inter[[noIm]]) - truePsn
  trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

  senssn <- truePsn/PossnA[[noIm]]
  specsn <- trueNsn/NegsnA[[noIm]]

  if (detectedsn>0) {
    fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
  } else {
    fdrsn <- 0

  fprsn <- falsePsn/NegsnA[[noIm]]
  accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

  st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

  if (st11sn>0) {
    F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
  } else {
    F1sn <- 0

  sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
  if (sttsn>0) {
    mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
  } else {
    mccsn <- 0

  if (mccsn>maxmccsn[[noIm]]) {
    maxtruePsn[[noIm]] <- truePsn
    maxfalsePsn[[noIm]] <- falsePsn
    maxfalseNsn[[noIm]] <- falseNsn
    maxtrueNsn[[noIm]] <- trueNsn
    maxsenssn[[noIm]] <- senssn
    maxspecsn[[noIm]] <- specsn
    maxfdrsn[[noIm]] <- fdrsn
    maxfprsn[[noIm]] <-  fprsn    
    maxaccsn[[noIm]] <- accsn
    maxF1sn[[noIm]] <- F1sn
    maxmccsn[[noIm]] <- mccsn




all <- samplesN*snps
detected <- sum(foundAll)
Pos <- sum(implantT)
truePM <- foundAll*implantT

trueP <- sum(truePM)
falseP <- detected-trueP
falseN <- Pos-trueP
trueN <- all - trueP - falseN - falseP

Neg <- trueN+falseP

sens <- trueP/Pos
spec <- trueN/Neg

if (detected>0) {
  fdr <- falseP/detected
} else {
  fdr <- 0

fpr <- falseP/Neg
acc <- (trueP+trueN)/all

st11 <- (2*trueP+falseP+falseN)

if (st11>0) {
  F1 <- 2*trueP/(2*trueP+falseP+falseN)
} else {
  F1 <- 0

stt <- (trueP+falseP)*(trueP+falseN)*(trueN+falseP)*(trueN+falseN)
if (stt>0) {
  mcc <- (trueP*trueN - falseP*falseN)/sqrt(stt)
} else {
  mcc <- 0

allSampI <- intersect(implGA,allSamp)
lallSamp <- length(allSamp)
allSnpsI <- intersect(interA,allSnps)
lallSnps <- length(allSnps)

## samples 

detectedsa <- lallSamp
truePsa <- length(allSampI)
falsePsa <- detectedsa  -truePsa

falseNsa <- implantedS-truePsa
trueNsa <- allsa - truePsa - falseNsa - falsePsa

senssa <- truePsa/Possa
specsa <- trueNsa/Negsa

if (detectedsa>0) {
  fdrsa <- falsePsa/detectedsa
} else {
  fdrsa <- 0

fprsa <- falsePsa/Negsa

accsa <- (truePsa+trueNsa)/allsa

st11sa <- (2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)

if (st11sa>0) {
  F1sa <- 2*truePsa/(2*truePsa+falsePsa+falseNsa)
} else {
  F1sa <- 0

sttsa <- (truePsa+falsePsa)*(truePsa+falseNsa)*(trueNsa+falsePsa)*(trueNsa+falseNsa)
if (sttsa>0) {
  mccsa <- (truePsa*trueNsa - falsePsa*falseNsa)/sqrt(sttsa)
} else {
  mccsa <- 0

## snps 

detectedsn <- lallSnps
truePsn <- length(allSnpsI)
falsePsn <- detectedsn  -truePsn

falseNsn <- length(interA) - truePsn
trueNsn <- snps - truePsn - falseNsn - falsePsn

senssn <- truePsn/Possn
specsn <- trueNsn/Negsn

if (detectedsn>0) {
  fdrsn <- falsePsn/detectedsn
} else {
  fdrsn <- 0

fprsn <- falsePsn/Negsn

accsn <- (truePsn+trueNsn)/allsn

st11sn <- (2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)

if (st11sn>0) {
  F1sn <- 2*truePsn/(2*truePsn+falsePsn+falseNsn)
} else {
    F1sn <- 0

sttsn <- (truePsn+falsePsn)*(truePsn+falseNsn)*(trueNsn+falsePsn)*(trueNsn+falseNsn)
if (sttsn>0) {
  mccsn <- (truePsn*trueNsn - falsePsn*falseNsn)/sqrt(sttsn)
} else {
  mccsn <- 0

dashresIBD[[run]] <- matrix(0,noImplanted,35)

for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  dataRmax <- c(run,noIm,

  dashresIBD[[run]][noIm,] <- dataRmax

dataR <-  c(run,noClusters,

dashres[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))




if (domcmc) {

mcmc_com <- paste("MCMC_IBDfinder -g dataSim",run,"mcmc.genotype -p dataSim",run,"mcmc.posmaf -z dataSim",run,"mcmc.initz",sep="")


dataR <-  c(run)

mcmcres[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))




if (dorelate) {

relate_com <- paste(
"echo '1 #1=allpairs 0=normal run' > relate_options",output_index,
echo '8 #pair[0]' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '9 #pair[1]' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0 #double recombination' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0 #LD=0=rsq2 LD=1=D' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.001 #min default: 0.025' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.001 # alim[0]' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '5.0 # alim[1]' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0 #doParameter calculation (pars)' >> relate_options",output_index,
" echo '0.3 # par[0] = a this is only used if doParameter is set to 1' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.25 # par[1] = k2 this is only used if doParameter is set to 1' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.5 # par[2] = k1 this is only used if doParameter is set to 1' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '1 #ld_adj' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.01 #epsilon' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '5 #back default 50' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0 #doPrune' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.1 #prune_value' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0 #fixA' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.0 #fixA_value' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '1 #fixK2' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.0 #fixk2_value' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '1 #calculateA' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.013 #phi_value' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '0.1 #convergence_tolerance' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '3 #times_to_converge' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '8 #times_to_run' >> relate_options",output_index,
echo '100 #back2' >> relate_options",output_index


system("rm relate_stat.txt*")
system("rm relate_post.txt*")

relate_com <- paste("relateHMM -o relate_options",output_index," -g dataSim",run,"relate.geno  -c dataSim",run,"relate.chr -p dataSim",run,"relate.pos -post relate_post",output_index,".txt -k relate_stat",output_index,".txt",sep="")


probs <- read.table(file= paste("relate_stat",output_index,".txt",sep=""))  

popo <- which(probs<1e-5)

noSamples <- c()
for (i in length(popo)) {

t <- 0
s <- 0
while (s<popo[i]) {
  t <- t +1
  s <- s + (sampleN-t)

s <- s - (sampleN-t)
t <- t -1
r <- popo[i] - s

noSamples <- union(noSamples,t)
noSamples <- union(noSamples,r)


dataR <-  c(run)

relateres[[run]] <- dataR

dim(dataR) <- c(1,length(dataR))



} # end loop

if (dofabia) {
if (dobeagle) {
if (doplink) {
if (dogermline) {
if (dodash) {
if (dorelate) {
if (domcmc) {

resultsAll <- c()

rowNN <- c()

Headermax <- c("IBDtrueP","IBDfalseN","IBDfalseP","IBDtrueN","IBDsensitivity","IBDspecifity","IBDFDR","IBDFPR","IBDaccuracy","IBDF1","IBDMatthews",

if (dofabia) {
fabiaresM <- read.table(file= paste("fabiares",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

fabiaHeader <- c("runNumber","restarts","numberIBDs",
colnames(fabiaresM) <- fabiaHeader

fabiaMeans <- colMeans(fabiaresM)

resultsAll <-  rbind(resultsAll,fabiaMeans[(-1:-3)])

rowNN <- c(rowNN,"FABIA")

ss <- 0
dataRmax <- vector("numeric",35)
for (run in 1:maxruns) {
for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  dataRmax <- dataRmax + fabiaresIBD[[run]][noIm,]
  ss <- ss + 1
dataRmax <- dataRmax/ss

dataRmax <- dataRmax[c(-2,-1)]
dim(dataRmax) <- c(1,length(dataRmax))
colnames(dataRmax) <- Headermax



beagleHeader <- c("runNumber",

if (dobeagle) {

beagleres1M <- read.table(file=paste("beagleres1",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

colnames(beagleres1M) <- beagleHeader

beagleres2M <- read.table(file=paste("beagleres2",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

colnames(beagleres2M) <- beagleHeader

beagle1Means <- colMeans(beagleres1M)

beagle2Means <- colMeans(beagleres2M)

resultsAll <-  rbind(resultsAll,beagle1Means[-1],beagle2Means[-1])

rowNN <- c(rowNN,"BEAGLE 1","BEAGLE 2")

if (doplink) {
plinkresM <- read.table(file=paste("plinkres",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

plinkHeader <- beagleHeader

colnames(plinkresM) <- plinkHeader

plinkMeans <- colMeans(plinkresM)

resultsAll <-  rbind(resultsAll,plinkMeans[-1])

rowNN <- c(rowNN,"PLINK")


if (dogermline) {

germlineres1M <- read.table(file=paste("germlineres1",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

germlineHeader <- beagleHeader

colnames(germlineres1M) <- germlineHeader

germlineres2M <- read.table(file=paste("germlineres2",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

colnames(germlineres2M) <- germlineHeader
germline1Means <- colMeans(germlineres1M)

germline2Means <- colMeans(germlineres2M)

resultsAll <-  rbind(resultsAll,germline1Means[-1],germline2Means[-1])

rowNN <- c(rowNN,"GERMLINE 1","GERMLINE 2")

if (dodash) {
dashresM <- read.table(file= paste("dashres",output_index,".txt",sep=""),skip=1)

dashHeader <- c("runNumber","numberClusters",

colnames(dashresM) <- dashHeader

dashMeans <- colMeans(dashresM)

resultsAll <-  rbind(resultsAll,dashMeans[(-1:-2)])
rowNN <- c(rowNN,"DASH")

ss <- 0
dataRmax <- vector("numeric",35)
for (run in 1:maxruns) {
for (noIm in 1:noImplanted) {
  dataRmax <- dataRmax + dashresIBD[[run]][noIm,]
  ss <- ss + 1
dataRmax <- dataRmax/ss

dataRmax <- dataRmax[c(-2,-1)]
dim(dataRmax) <- c(1,length(dataRmax))
colnames(dataRmax) <- Headermax

write.table(dataRmax,file= paste("resultsDashIBD",output_index,".txt",sep=""),sep="\t")

#relateresM <- read.table(file="relateres.txt",skip=1)

#mcmcresM <- read.table(file="mcmcres.txt",skip=1)

rownames(resultsAll) <- rowNN

write.table(resultsAll,file= paste("resultsAll",output_index,".txt",sep=""),sep="\t")